Shades and Hints of TYPO3 to WordPress Migration Plugin

It is not a big deal to create a website nowadays. But running a web project successfully depends on the the CMS platform. That is why choosing the right content management system for your site plays an important role. There is a great amount of the available platforms all over the world and it is up to you which one to select. But in order to help you in this case, let’s narrow the endless list to two CMSs: TYPO3 and WordPress.

Let’s start with TYPO3 CMS. It is a tool for giant-website management and it is used for networking communities and intranets creation. In other words, this platform is more suitable for business matters than for running a simple blog. It should be mentioned that TYPO3 is not a user-friendly CMS. To build and manage a website on this platform demands a steep learning curve but it provides its users with lots of online documentations and video tutorials which will help you to become a pro of the TYPO3 shades and hints.

Speaking about WordPress, it is necessary to say that WP is the most user-friendly CMS. There is no need to be a web-developer to work with WordPress, even a schoolboy without any coding skills can handle this task. Another positive feature of this platform is that it is possible to create different types of the website, for instance a blog, a forum, a personal diary, a simple website, an online shop, etc. Moreover, WordPress provides its users with a considerable amount of the plugins which can be used almost for everything. Plus, there is a wide choice of the themes which can give your web project an unique look.
So, you’re provided with all the necessary information about TYPO3 and WordPress CMSs. All you have to do now is to choose one which you think will fully meet your needs and demands. But in case you have already a site on TYPO3 but now you feel that you lack some features and/or it is difficult and time-consuming to run a website on this CMS, then it is time to try WordPress as the platform for your web project. Don’t worry, there is no need to start a site from scratch. It is possible to use a WP plugin which will help you to transfer all your data from one platform to another. It is called CMS2CMS: TYPO3 to WordPress Converter with Redirect plugin. With this tool you will be able to migrate all your content automatedly, accurately, flawlessly and really fast.

So, if you decide to use this plugin to convert your data from TYPO3 to WordPress, then here is the step-by-step instruction which will help you with this task.

  1. The first step is to find a CMS2CMS: TYPO3 to WordPress Converter with Redirect plugin in the WP repository and to download it to your computer.

  2. The next stage is to upload the downloaded plugin to the WordPress website and activate it.

  3. After that you will have to download the connection bridge in order to establish the data transfer between TYPO3 and WordPress sites.

  4. Then you will be redirected to the website to proceed with your migration. There you will have to choose the additional options and run a Free Demo Migration.

  5. The last step of the TYPO3 to WordPress migration is to start Full Website Conversion.

Now, you know how to convert your current website on TYPO3 to WordPress in a fully automated way. So, don’t waste your time any longer and perform the switch right away.


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