Rapid Form Transfer with a Plugin: SMF to bbPress  

Simple Machines Forum Overview

Simple Machines Forum is a free and open-source discussion board. This forum platform is written in popular PHP language, and allows any user to modify its code. It is easy to run a forum on SMF due to lots of components. Moderator can create a forum which supports multiple languages at once and enable attachments or polls.
To keep an eye on your discussion, there are several statistics for topics, messages, hits, individual members statistics and members and IP tracking, etc.
For users, it is available a couple of posting features: spell check, insert quote, WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), a quick reply and many others.
To give your forum the proper look, there is a variety of themes and styles you can select from. And your users may choose how your discussion board will look like particularly for them.
To expand the functionality of your forum, you have lots of modifications which can be easily integrated with a few mouse clicks.

A Peace of bbPress

bbPress is the forum solution for WordPress - world largest CMS platform. bbPress plugin can be easily installed, and turns into simple to use and speedy forum software.
The reasons to choose bbPress:
This is a free forum solution, very convenient and capable for expanding.
While having WordPress and bbPress, you can create website, forum, blog, online store and some other web project, all at once, in one platform.
bbPress is easy to moderate.
If you have any experience with WordPress, you will see bbPress quite familiar. As the result, you’ll get to used to very soon.
It’s one of the most SEO friendly forums, and there are also a couple SEO plugins for bbPress floating around, if you would like to make it even better.

If you wish to have your forum on bbPress, then you can migrate your Simple Machines Forum. One of the most convenient way to move a content is automated solution - CMS2CMS: SMF to bbPress Convertor. With this plugin, you can setup the migration even without any programming background. The transfer will be fast, safe, and accurate.

You can migrate the following content from SMF to bbPress:

How to set up the migration:

Find out it very useful, than do not wait anymore, set up the migration now. And enjoy your new bbPress forum.


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