phpBB to vBulletin Migration: Effortless Guide

Nowadays, it’s not a big trick to run your own forum. Nevertheless it should be pointed that you ought to think twice before making the choice of the instrument for your web project. That is why, in this article you will find the comprehensive overview of phpBB and vBulletin boards, their pros and cons. So keep reading, and you’ll be able to make the right decision for yourself.

7 phpBB Facts: Check Them!

Feel vBulletin Power

vBulletin is a commercial tool and community publishing instrument, compared with phpBB you ought to buy a licence to use it, but it is worth it. It’s one of the most powerful forum softwares all over the world. In case, you want to create and manage a website, blog and other web projects with one dashboard - vBulletin is what you are looking for! One of the most important things of choosing the forum tool is the possibility of its customization. With bulletin board, you are armed with tons of themes, modules, styles and skins that are aimed to expand your site functionality. It has one useful feature, you may post message even if you are offline, it’s good for those who can’t run forum all the time.

The Final Decision

So, now you are aware of these two boards, their pros and cons. The following information is for those who have already forum on phpBB, but now have decided to move it to vBulletin. With CMS2CMS, the phpBB to vBulletin migration will be safe and absolutely invisible for your forum followers. It’s automated migration service, so you may forget about hours of manual work of copy/pasting. All you have to do is just to follow this step-by-step guide to perform your vBulletin migration in 15 minutes with ease.

5 Steps to Your New vBulletin Board

1. Register an account Specify your username, email and password or login via Facebook and Google+ account.*

2. Specify website URLs Provide the URLs of your phpBB and vBulletin forums and select platforms with the modules.

3. Establish the connection between your forums. Download the bridge file to your local PC. It will be saved as ‘cms2cms. zip’

4. Start Free Demo Migration. To check up how the service works run free demo. A part of your forum data will be converted from phpBB to vBulletin, and then you will be able to see the transfer in progress.

5. Start Full Migration. In case, you are satisfied with the results of demo migration, then run Full Migration and convert phpBB to vBulletin in a few minutes.

Furthermore, for comprehensive overview take a look at this infographic.

phpbb to vbulletin.jpg


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