Movable Type to WordPress Hands-off.

After explosive increase in popularity of WordPress, the debate between Movable Type vs Wordpress is finally over. Due to the fact that Movable Type is currently in the sunset, lots of its followers are now leaving the platform giving their preference to WordPress. Let’s try to outline those reasons that explain why is this trend permanently growing.
Movable Type 6 Logo.png

Started in 2001 and considered to be an advanced and efficient website builder, Movable Type has slowed its fast-moving pace because of the licensing problems. Despite all the advantages associated with Movable Type - the platform has some limits though that hold it back in the context of WordPress. The major concern with the Movable Type is that it is not an open source tool, that means that the budget issue is not out of the window. Having a bit steeper learning curve than WordPress, to master and operate Movable Type is not one-click affair at all and there’s really long training required for that. Besides, its library of plugins and extensions is far away from the same in WordPress, providing definitely less amount of customization capabilities.

WordPress, to the contrary, enjoys the fame of being the most popular CMS option out there. Requiring no deep knowledge to work with - the platform is mostly favoured by newbies and first-time users. Its powerful assembly of plugins helps a web project to be what you want it to be - your fantasy will definitely find no limits with WordPress. The platform is world-known for its proactive community that is of great help when you need some issues to be resolved. One more speak-for-itself advantage of WordPress is that Google loves WordPress. Providing strong search engine optimization capabilities WordPress websites are more visible to search engines that help to boost up a traffic to a website.

If you have made the right decision to migrate from Movable Type to WordPress - you may turn to CMS2CMS service to get the job done hands-off. To get the general idea of the migration process - go on reading the next instructions one-by-one:

Initiate the migration process by downloading CMS2CMS: Movable Type to WordPress Migration Plugin from WordPress Plugin Directory.

When ready:
Download the plugin to your local PC;
Extract the folder from the zip file;
Install this plugin to your WordPress site.

Create your CMS2CMS account there by specifying your email and password.

Connect to Movable Type - just specify your urrent website URL address and that’s it.

Select Migration Preferences by activating from the offerd list of options those you wish to be imported.

If you are absolutely satisfied with the results of Demo - Start Full Migration. After the click, your Movable Type website data will be imported to WordPress.

Now you may start using all new possibilities that your new WordPress site has to offer. Full migration is successfully performed. Congratulations!


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