Blogger to WordPress Migration Plugin: Automated Solution

Internet plays an important role in our lives as it provide us with endless opportunities to get the all kinds of information. Moreover, with nowadays technology we have the chance to build our own web projects and share the infor with the world. One of the greatest tools is a blog. The earliest weblogs started in the late 1990s and were used as online diaries. But as time went on, this tool has been evolved and lots of interactive features were added. Now it is possible to leave comments on blog posts or link to posts on other blogs and sites to further the dialog. In other words, a blog is a place to express yourself to the world.

Speaking about the most popular platforms for blog creation, then Blogger and WordPress are those that come to your mind first. Both of them possess lots of useful features however they differ from each other in many ways. Some people find Blogger to be the platform of their dream, the others - WordPress. In case you have already started your blog on Blogger but now you want to try new opportunities provided by WP, then there are some options for you.

The first way out is to create a new blog on WordPress CMS from scratch. This option is good for those who want to make a fresh start. But in case you don’t want to lose your content, you can migrate your web project from Blogger to WordPress. Again, there are several methods to perform the switch.

  1. The first one is to do the copy/pasting job. In other words, you will have to copy all the content from one blog and paste it to another. But this option will take lots of your time and efforts. Moreover, there is always the risk to lose a part of the content during this type of the switch.

  2. The second way is to hire a specialist who can do the job for you. Actually, this method takes less efforts but requires great investments.

  3. The last way out is using a tool which can help you during the switch. It can be CMS2CMS: Blogger to Wordpress Converter plugin. With its help you will be able to perform the migration automatedly, accurately and extremely fast.
    In case you are interested in the last way of the Blogger to WordPress migration, then you should know that you won’t lose any part of your data while using this plugin. Moreover, the whole conversion process will take you from a few minutes to a few hours (it depends on the size of your website). In case you decide to use CMS2CMS: Blogger to WordPress Converter plugin, then you will be provided with all the necessary information on this subject. For instance, you can have a look at this infographic where you will be able to find the useful tips and tricks of the Blogger to WordPress migration.

So, don’t waste your time any longer and perform the Blogger to WordPress Migration using the CMS2CMS plugin right away.


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