A Short How-To-Guide of phpBB to bbPress Migration

For many website owners who want to have a strong presence online - having a forum is a way to go. In a market where forums need to be built faster and easier - site owners are turning to forum boards to get the job done. To make the right choice among those boards floating around the web - is a difficult task faced by many. The final deciding factor comes down to what you really need your forum to do in the end and how much time and effort you’re willing to put into it.
PhpBB and bbPress are forum boards that have certain similarities, overlapping each other in several areas. Both are PHP based softwares which provide website owners with the possibility to stay in touch and to have online interaction between them and their sites visitors. However, alongside with their similarities, they have some significant distinctives as well. bbPress comes from WordPress developers, and originally was designed to be as light as a feather. Therefore, one of its proclaimed benefits is its ease of use and integration with WordPress. Especially, it prides itself on being able to manage a site and a forum within one dashboard. bbPress is indisputably user-friendly platform while phpBB enjoys the fame of being mostly developer-oriented software. Though, it is extremely efficient and fast - to master and operate phpBB is not a simple one-click affair that requires strong programming background and high level of technical experience. In a nutshell, bbPress offers much more bells and whistles to its clients comparing to phpBB and is less complicated from the user’s point of view.

If you are presently running a forum powered by phpBB and are tired enough of its complexity - move to less complicated but still powerful bbPress. It is a worthwhile to point out that there are 3 migration scenarios for you to choose from.

In case you do have a certain level of programming background and are ready to spend huge time - you may give a try manual way of migration. This method means copy/pasting every piece of content page by page from one platform to another. One more important thing to keep in mind is that no experience and knowledge will prevent you from a risk of content losses.

Assisted way of migration may meet your requirements if you have a financial possibility to hire an experienced programmer who will handle the migration procedure for you.

And the most reliable, fast and secure way of conversion is considered to be automated way of migration.

CMS2CMS automated migration converter has been specifically developed to manage conversion across CMS platforms with minimal effort and time. This online tool certainly shines in the following items:

24/7 support team (offer a welcoming place to go in case you got stuck)
ease-of-use (expects no special skills and programming background)
fast to do (usually it takes less than half an hour to complete it)
free demo version available (for you to estimate the website migration in progress)

Interested in bbPress? Keep reading an all-the-way instruction provided below which will help you avoid all the migration hassles and data losses:

Step 1. Download “CMS2CMS: phpBB to bbPress Forum Convertor”. You’ll find the plugin saved it in a zip format. Extract it to your PC and after that do the following:
Go to your new WordPress website admin panel
Right within dashboard find “Plugins” -> “Add New” and upload the file.
As soon as the file is installed, click “Activate” button.

Step 2. Providing your name, email and password are enough to create CMS2CMS account on the official website. It can also easily be done via your social media accounts.

Step 3. Establish your Source and Target Sites and enter URL addresses of both sites (in your case it will be phpBB and bbPress correspondingly).

Step 4. Select Migration Preferences you want to be transferred. When finished, try free Demo Migration to see how the tool works.

Step 5. If you are totally satisfied with the Demo version outcome, perform Full Migration by clicking the matching button.

Looks like a perfect choice for you? So hand over this job to **CMS2CMS service"“ right now and enjoy the results in a short period of time!



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